Welcome to the American King Shepherd Club, Inc. Website:
The American King Shepherd Club, Inc. (AKSC) is the original and only “Parent Breed Club” of the King Shepherd Breed. The AKSC is very excited about the tremendous growth and success that the King Shepherd has had over the years. 2007 was an important year because it marks the ongoing "betterment & new direction" of the King Shepherd Breed. Join us in celebrating and helping this breed that is still under development by those who cherish and understand the King Shepherd and what the "ideal" King Shepherd is suppose to be.
The King Shepherd possesses size, thick dense bone, a well-muscled torso and a strong impressive head. He is large, rugged, powerful and impressive, possessing exhibiting great endurance and agility. Developed through a set of demanding circumstances for a purely utilitarian purpose, he is a working guard dog without equal, with a unique ability to protect livestock. He possesses a keen intelligence and a kindly, while regal, expression. Exhibiting a unique elegance of bearing and movement with purpose; his soundness and coordination embodies the unmistakable intent for which he has been bred.
King Shepherds can be shown with such organizations as ARBA (The American Rare Breed Association), ABIDS (All Breed International Dog Shows), IABCA (International All Breed Canine Association of America), SKC (States Kennel Club) and others. King Shepherd owners are fiercely loyal to their breed of choice. There is an old saying amongst owners’ “They are like potato chips, you can’t have just one”.
Congratulations to the winners and participants of the 2012 AKSC Spring Extravaganza!

MBISS, Grand Monarch CH. Chateau De Chief's Fergie de Miss Chief, CDa, MHIT, winning Best of Breed at shows 1 and 3, Best of Opposite in show 2 and High in Trial at trial 1.

MBIS, MBISS Grand Monarch CH. Chateau De Chief's Coltrane Miles, CGC, winning Best of Breed at show 2, Best of Opposite at show 3 and High in Trial at trial 2.

BISS, CH. Chateau De Chief's Bishop, winning Best Veteran.

Ch. Royal Majesty's Atlas of Chateau De Chief winning Best of Opposite at show 1.

Ch. ptd. Chateau De Chief's Zeus winning Best of Winners at shows 1 and 3.

Ch. ptd. Chateau De Chief's Pandora at 6 months of age, winning Best of Winners at show 2.

Ch. ptd. Chateau De Chief's Angus winning Winner's Dog at show 2.

CH. ptd. Chateau De Chief Jarle AKA Beans, winning Winner's Dog at the People's Choice Awards.

Ch. ptd. Chateau De Chief's Monroe winning Winner's Dog at the People Choice Awards.

Ch. ptd. Chateau de Chief's Andromeda winning Winner's Bitch at shows 1 and 3.

MBISS, Grand Monarch CH. Chateau De Chief's Fergie de Miss Chief, CDa, MHIT, winning High in Trial at trial 1.

MBIS, MBISS Grand Monarch CH. Chateau De Chief's Coltrane Miles, CGC, winning High in Trial at trial 2.

Competing in the Breed Ring!

Competing in the Obedience Ring!

Competing in the Obedience Ring!

Competing in the Obedience Ring!

Competing in the Obedience Ring!

Competing in the Breed Ring!

King Competitors and the Best of Opposite Veteran Class Winner - Ch. Chateau De Chief's Countess!

King Spectators and Competitors!

King Competitors!

A few of the Awards!
Thank you Jacob and Debbie Fernandez for taking these photos!
The King Shepherd as a Rare Breed
The following is information on the background of the King Shepherd breed.
What makes a breed a "rare breed"? Typically in the US, a rare breed is classified as a breed which does not have AKC recognition; a breed which is newly developed or is still in the process of being refined; a breed which is in development; a breed which has very small numbers; a breed which may be AKC recognized, but does not conform to the AKC standard of said breed or a breed that is developed by breeding certain deviant characteristics of an otherwise known AKC breed.
The King Shepherd breed can fit several of the definitions above as a "rare breed". The King Shepherd breed of dog was developed with the vision of a large sized or "king-sized" German Shepherd, with differences in temperament, conformation and of course size, as compared to the German Shepherd. It is no surprise that German Shepherd is the main ingredient in the King Shepherd. In fact one of the first rare breed organizations that recognized the breed included among its acceptable definitions on how an F1 Generation King Shepherd could be produced was by "breeding a King to a German Shepherd; breeding a King to a Shiloh Shepherd (another "rare breed" which is highly influenced by the German Shepherd); and breeding a German Shepherd to a Shiloh Shepherd". Originally the King Shepherd was indeed produced by selective breedings of specific bloodlines of German Shepherd dogs that deviated from the AKC Ideal German Shepherd Standard of the Breed. Later on in the years, the American King Shepherd Club, Inc. (AKSC) has reformed the King Shepherd Standard of the breed and introduced other breeds, to try to strengthen the King Shepherd breed as well as to build upon the characteristics that make the King different from the AKC Standard of the German Shepherd.
The AKSC registers the King Shepherd breed and issues individual and unique registration names and numbers for those dogs and their ancestors who are used in the King Shepherd breeding program as well as for puppies that are produced. The King is accepted by several rare breed organizations which allows the breed to be shown in breed competitions as well as obedience competitions. Interested individuals typically wish to add a King to their family because of their love for the German Shepherd breed; but are disillusioned of what some German Shepherds have become. Individuals add a King to their family because of the general looks and temperament of the King; not because it is considered as a "rare breed" in many peoples eyes. Most individuals do research on the German Shepherd and the King and find that the average pet price for a well bred German Shepherd of Import lines or show lines could be well over $1,200.00 and range to more than $4000; the average price for a pet quality King is $1,650.00.
Over the years the AKSC has encountered individuals who are not in agreement with our goals in producing the King Shepherd. There have been a handful of King owners who are quick to sling negative epithets in our direction because of our beliefs and efforts of our breeding program. The AKSC finds it a bit ironic that many of these same individuals (who question the background of the King), absolutely adore their Kings and continue to exhibit these very same Kings in rare breed King Shepherd shows, specialties and events. The AKSC also finds it very interesting that these same individuals fail to realize that if it were not for the AKSC or individuals who purchased their breeding or foundation stock through an AKSC member, they would not own their cherished King Shepherds.
Furthermore, there is a smattering of individuals who believe that the King is "just a King-sized German Shepherd". While the AKSC will not argue with these individuals and based on the original vision and genetics of the King, to a German Shepherd Purist, there is an element of truth. However, the AKSC believes that the King is indeed unique because it consistently deviates from the Ideal German Shepherd that is described in the AKC German Shepherd Standard of the Breed and we will continue to love, promote and work on the "evolution" of bettering the King Shepherd Breed for the future.
In the final analysis, we should ask ourselves these questions: Do you enjoy your dog? Is it social with you and others? Is it easy to train and control? Is it healthy? Is it a loving and loyal, priceless companion that enhances your life? If so, owning a King Shepherd has fulfilled its main purpose in your life. That is what it's really all about.